
This benefit is available for those suffering from hardship.

Applications for grants (depending on the circumstances of hardship) will be considered by the trustees where:

  • the beneficiary has a proven need
  • hardship is not of beneficiary’s own making.

Guidance notes for applicants


Please read the following information carefully before you proceed with an application enquiry.

If the application is for the spouse/partner of the former employee of Mansfield Brewery the marriage certificate and a current utility bill (or other official document), evidencing that they live at the same address as the former employee, should be sent with the completed application.

The trustees’ current policy is to consider requests for assistance where a person is suffering hardship through circumstances, not of his or her own making.

A grant (depending on the circumstances of the hardship) may be considered by the trustees, subject to the following:

  • the applicant has a proven need
  • hardship has arisen because of a change in circumstances such as personal or spouse illness, the death of a spouse or partner, relationship breakdown or recovering from a difficult period owing to unforeseen circumstances,

If requested by the Trustees, the applicant will also be required to:

  • Provide full and accurate financial information detailing income, assets, and expenses.  Evidence of income and expenditure may be requested to support the information completed on the form.  An income and assets form is included with the hardship application form and can be downloaded from the website (see link below) or, requested from the office.
  • Meet with and assist a Money Advice Specialist who will explore all available options and advise the beneficiary on the most appropriate solution.
  • Agrees to act on the advice to solve/relieve the financial difficulties and work with the Money Advice Specialist to manage their debt situation.

The trustees will not consider any assistance with your debt situation if, following advice from a Money Advice Specialist, you choose not to act on the advice provided.

  • The trustees will not under normal circumstances pay off a beneficiary’s debts
  • It is not the trustees’ policy to supplement income or replace income lost through bereavement, divorce, unemployment or changes in government grants/benefits etc. to alleviate your hardship.


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